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Day 11 – Don’t Break The Chain

Updated: Dec 6, 2023

Do you have a goal that you want to achieve?

Are you looking for a way to stay motivated?

Would you like to learn a new tool to use when going after your goals?

“Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tiptoe if you must, but take a step.”

Naeem Callawa

day 11

Today’s Tool is  “The Unique Calendar System”. The Unique Calendar System comes with a story that will sum up the tool and its benefits.

A young man took the opportunity to ask Jerry Seinfeld how to create better jokes; he was a comic and wanted to get better at telling jokes. The advice he was given by Jerry Seinfeld was:

“The way to be a better comic is to create better jokes and the way to create better jokes is to write every day.”

Seinfeld understood the importance of daily action; being consistent is key. This system can also be linked to “The Compound Effect” which is the strategy of reaping huge rewards from small, seemingly insignificant actions. It works based on taking small steps in the right direction, over a period of time.

As humans we often try to go in 110% when we are first trying to achieve a goal, only to find that we burn out quickly. For example, let’s say you plan on losing weight:

  1. You plan to go to the gym 7 days a week for 1 hour and 30 minutes each time. After 2 months, you start to miss a few days and then eventually you give up and stop going.

  2. A more realistic plan would to workout for 20 minutes everyday, which is much more manageable and sustainable.  This approach will help you to “Not Break The Chain”

Can you see the difference?

Thinking for the long term vs thinking for the short term, “Quick Results”

Time To Take Action

Step 1- Define the goals that you want to work on.

Step 2: Set a task for each goal that you will complete everyday.

For example

Exercise: I will workout for 20 minutes everyday.

Personal Development: I will read 10 pages of a book everyday.

Step 3 – Be Realistic & Set Boundaries

There will be times when you will not be able to work on your goal everyday. For example, when you are on holiday or sick or are required to work for longer hours. To help you with not feeling the pressure of breaking the chain, you are allowed 3 weeks off in the year on your calendar for holidays and sickness. If you are on holiday or are unwell, and as a result, are unable to perform your tasks, you should record:

H = On holiday

S = Sick

Step 4 – Get a big wall calendar that has the whole year on it and invest in a red marker. I personally use a monthly calendar printed big on A4 paper.

Step 5 – For everyday that you do your task or tasks, you should put a big red X over the day. After a few days you will have a chain.  The longer you keep to your daily tasks, the longer your chain will be, the longer the chain is, the harder it is to break.

Step 6 – Don’t Break The Chain.

Benefits Of This Tool

  1. This system helps to give you focus.

  2. Once the chain has started, after a few days it can help with keeping motivated.

  3. This system can help to reduce procrastination.

  4. Your vision calendar is also a great reminder (on a daily basis) of how well you are doing.

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