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Day 12 Appreciation Board

Updated: Dec 6, 2023

When was the last time you gave yourself a pat on the back?

When was the last time you reflected on how far you have come?

Do you focus more on the end goal or on the process?

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” Oprah Winfrey

day 12

We often spend a lot of time focusing on the end destination that we forget to enjoy the journey along the way. Every step in the right direction is something to be proud of. The first step you take may be the most important, but once you get started, every step you take along the way is deserving of a pat on the back.

Today’s Tool is “The Appreciation Board”.

Everyone wants to feel appreciated, but how often do we show appreciation to ourselves?

How often do we stop to reflect on what we have achieved to date, no matter how big or small? This is a tool I need to use more often myself. I have a habit of setting a goal, achieving it and then moving onto the next one and not taking the time to pat myself on the back. You can become so focused on achieving your goals that you:

  1. Don’t notice the hurdles you have jumped, that previously hindered you.

  2. Don’t realise that the valley’s that once kept you on your knees, are now causing you to grow and discover.

  3. Fail to acknowledge that you have grown as a person.

When you take the time to appreciate how far you have come, you find the learning that you can take and apply to other situations. The appreciation board is a quick and simple way to show appreciation on a daily, weekly or even monthly basis.

In the words of Dalai Lama  “If you don’t love yourself, you cannot love others. If you have no compassion for yourself then you are not capable of developing compassion for others.”

Time To Take Action

Step 1 – Get a board and some post-it notes.

Step 2 – Take a few minutes just to write down why you appreciate yourself.

  1. You can think about how far you have come.

  2. Hurdles you have overcome.

  3. Your achievements.

  4. Your qualities and skills.

Now place these on the board.

Step 3 – At the end of each day, you can add to your board. Write I appreciate myself because……..

  1. I love myself.

  2. I am special.

  3. I am talented.

  4. I thought before I responded to my boss today.

  5. I am alive.

Step 4 – Look in the mirror and speak to yourself. Realise that you are who you see. Tell the person in the mirror what you appreciate about yourself.

TIP –  Something to tell yourself everyday,  ‘I love and approve of myself’.

“If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough.” ― Meister Eckhart

Benefits Of This Tool

  1. Reminds you of how far you have come.

  2. Allows you to appreciate what you have already.

  3. It can help to keep you focused on the process and not just the outcome.

  4. It helps you to value what you have and who you are becoming.

Some Recommended Reading

  1. I Can Do It: How to Use Affirmations to Change Your Life (Book and Affirmation CD) by Louise L. Hay.

  2. The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who you are by Brené Brown (Author)

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