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Day 13 Mind Storming

Updated: Dec 6, 2023

Do you have a problem that you would like to solve?

How do you normally solve problems?

Would you like to learn a useful tool to help you with solving problems?

“No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking”


day 13

Today’s Tool is “Mind Storming”. This is a great tool I use with my team. It is a great way to get everyone involved and inspires you to think outside the box. There is always more than one way to solve a problem.

However many only think that there is one solution. Brian Tracy introduces the 20 idea method in his book ‘No More Excuses’. Brian talked about a creative thinking tool that will aid you to think creatively about solving a problem.

What is Mind Storming?

Mind storming is like brain storming, only it’s done on an individual basis. In contrast, brain storming involves a group of people coming together to come up with a number of ideas. This tool is also known as the 20 idea method. If you have a problem and you would like to come up with ways to solve it then this is an amazing tool to use.

Time To Take Action

Step 1 – On the top of a piece of paper write out the problem, goal or challenge that you would like to solve. Be very clear and specific about the problem or challenge; it’s much easier to solve a well-defined problem. For example:

“How can I double my income to £60,000 per year by January 1, 2020?”

Step 2 – Write down 20 ideas or answers to solve your problem, goal or challenge, 20 ideas! Yes. Keep on going, allowing your mind to think, don’t rush the process, just allow the ideas to flow.

E.G Get another Job, Sell a product or service, Get a new job………..

Step 3 – Examine your list and chose one point from your list that you believe will solve your problem, goal or challenge and take the steps needed to achieve your desired results.

Extra steps you can take:

Take 1 idea from your list of 20 and come up with 20 new ideas to achieve the idea that you have chosen. This time, think of the actions you can take to implement your idea. If you did this activity 5 days a week for 50 weeks you would have come up with 250 new ideas, for achieving your desired outcome.

Benefits Of This Tool

  1. An effective tool for problem solving.

  2. It strengthens your Idea Muscles.

  3. Gives you more ideas Throughout the Day.

  4. Encourages Critical Thinking.

  5. Helps you discover steps to take to achieve your goal or solve a problem.

Some Recommending Reading & Videos To Watch

  1. Brian Tracy: If You Could Achieve One Goal in 24 Hours

  2. No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline by Brian Tracy

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