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Day 14  –Effective Morning Practice.

Updated: Dec 6, 2023

Does life appear a little hectic at times?

Do you feel like there are not enough hours in the day?

Would you like a tool that can help you to get your mind ready for the day ahead?

“If you win the morning, you win the day.”

Tim Ferriss

day 14

How you start your mornings can affect the rest of your day.

Today’s Tool is “Starting Your Day Right”.

Everyday is a new opportunity to start over, to work on your goals and to live the life that you desire. Would you like to start your morning winning, so that you are able to win your day?

Today’s Tool will draw on the work of Tony Robbins ‘9/10 minutes’ meditation / morning practice’. Tony Robbins said “I made a deal with myself: If you don’t have 10 minutes for yourself, you don’t have a life. Tony’s morning practice is about cuing, prompting and enabling emotions for the rest of the day.” There should be no excuse for setting aside time for yourself in the morning, if your desire is to live a successful life.

Time To Take Action 

Toni Robbins 9/10 minutes meditation/ morning practice is split into three sections. Tony normally plays music when doing this, I also find instrumentals helpful.

Step 1 – Expressing Gratitude (3 minutes)

Think of three things that you are grateful for. Think of one that is very simple, like having access to the internet, having a good nights sleep or about how beautiful the sun is. Tony Robbins said “When you’re grateful, there is no fear. You can’t be fearful and grateful simultaneously”.

Step 2  – Spiritual Connection

When moving onto the next three minutes, this will involve you focusing on your source of strength. Creating gratitude by imagining an inner presence that offers healing, advice and guides you to overcome your obstacles. This doesn’t have to be God or religion focused; use whatever works for you. You can also spend this time wishing good things for your family and friends.

Step 3 – Visualization

Your last three to four minutes should be spent doing what Tony Robbins calls “the three to thrive”. What are three things that you are going to make happen in your life. Visualize what it will feel like, look like, sound like to have these three things  Tony Robbins says “See it as though it’s already been done”.

Remember: Smile because you can actually have these three things.

Benefits Of This Tool

  1. Helps to get your mind focused for the day.

  2. You can learn to focus on changing negative thoughts into positive ones.

  3. Improved concentration and focus in daily life.

  4. Less stress, worry & anxiety.

  5. Greater inner peace & happiness.

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